Source code for chainer_chemistry.datasets.molnet.molnet

import joblib
from logging import getLogger
import os
import shutil
import tarfile

import numpy
import pandas

from chainer.dataset import download

from chainer_chemistry.dataset.parsers.csv_file_parser import CSVFileParser
from chainer_chemistry.dataset.preprocessors.atomic_number_preprocessor import AtomicNumberPreprocessor  # NOQA
from chainer_chemistry.dataset.splitters.base_splitter import BaseSplitter
from chainer_chemistry.dataset.splitters.scaffold_splitter import ScaffoldSplitter  # NOQA
from chainer_chemistry.dataset.splitters import split_method_dict
from chainer_chemistry.datasets.molnet.molnet_config import molnet_default_config  # NOQA
from chainer_chemistry.datasets.molnet.pdbbind_time import get_pdbbind_time
from chainer_chemistry.datasets.numpy_tuple_dataset import NumpyTupleDataset

_root = 'pfnet/chainer/molnet'

[docs]def get_molnet_dataset(dataset_name, preprocessor=None, labels=None, split=None, frac_train=.8, frac_valid=.1, frac_test=.1, seed=777, return_smiles=False, return_pdb_id=False, target_index=None, task_index=0, **kwargs): """Downloads, caches and preprocess MoleculeNet dataset. Args: dataset_name (str): MoleculeNet dataset name. If you want to know the detail of MoleculeNet, please refer to `official site <>`_ If you would like to know what dataset_name is available for chainer_chemistry, please refer to ``. preprocessor (BasePreprocessor): Preprocessor. It should be chosen based on the network to be trained. If it is None, default `AtomicNumberPreprocessor` is used. labels (str or list): List of target labels. split (str or BaseSplitter or None): How to split dataset into train, validation and test. If `None`, this functions use the splitter that is recommended by MoleculeNet. Additionally You can use an instance of BaseSplitter or choose it from 'random', 'stratified' and 'scaffold'. return_smiles (bool): If set to ``True``, smiles array is also returned. return_pdb_id (bool): If set to ``True``, PDB ID array is also returned. This argument is only used when you select 'pdbbind_smiles'. target_index (list or None): target index list to partially extract dataset. If `None` (default), all examples are parsed. task_index (int): Target task index in dataset for stratification. (Stratified Splitter only) Returns (dict): Dictionary that contains dataset that is already split into train, valid and test dataset and 1-d numpy array with dtype=object(string) which is a vector of smiles for each example or `None`. """ if dataset_name not in molnet_default_config: raise ValueError("We don't support {} dataset. Please choose from {}". format(dataset_name, list(molnet_default_config.keys()))) if dataset_name == 'pdbbind_grid': pdbbind_subset = kwargs.get('pdbbind_subset') return get_pdbbind_grid(pdbbind_subset, split=split, frac_train=frac_train, frac_valid=frac_valid, frac_test=frac_test, task_index=task_index) if dataset_name == 'pdbbind_smiles': pdbbind_subset = kwargs.get('pdbbind_subset') time_list = kwargs.get('time_list') return get_pdbbind_smiles(pdbbind_subset, preprocessor=preprocessor, labels=labels, split=split, frac_train=frac_train, frac_valid=frac_valid, frac_test=frac_test, return_smiles=return_smiles, return_pdb_id=return_pdb_id, target_index=target_index, task_index=task_index, time_list=time_list) dataset_config = molnet_default_config[dataset_name] labels = labels or dataset_config['tasks'] if isinstance(labels, str): labels = [labels, ] if preprocessor is None: preprocessor = AtomicNumberPreprocessor() if dataset_config['task_type'] == 'regression': def postprocess_label(label_list): return numpy.asarray(label_list, dtype=numpy.float32) elif dataset_config['task_type'] == 'classification': def postprocess_label(label_list): label_list = numpy.asarray(label_list) label_list[numpy.isnan(label_list)] = -1 return label_list.astype(numpy.int32) parser = CSVFileParser(preprocessor, labels=labels, smiles_col=dataset_config['smiles_columns'], postprocess_label=postprocess_label) if dataset_config['dataset_type'] == 'one_file_csv': split = dataset_config['split'] if split is None else split if isinstance(split, str): splitter = split_method_dict[split]() elif isinstance(split, BaseSplitter): splitter = split else: raise TypeError("split must be None, str or instance of" " BaseSplitter, but got {}".format(type(split))) if isinstance(splitter, ScaffoldSplitter): get_smiles = True else: get_smiles = return_smiles result = parser.parse(get_molnet_filepath(dataset_name), return_smiles=get_smiles, target_index=target_index, **kwargs) dataset = result['dataset'] smiles = result['smiles'] train_ind, valid_ind, test_ind = \ splitter.train_valid_test_split(dataset, smiles_list=smiles, task_index=task_index, frac_train=frac_train, frac_valid=frac_valid, frac_test=frac_test, **kwargs) train = NumpyTupleDataset(*dataset.features[train_ind]) valid = NumpyTupleDataset(*dataset.features[valid_ind]) test = NumpyTupleDataset(*dataset.features[test_ind]) result['dataset'] = (train, valid, test) if return_smiles: train_smiles = smiles[train_ind] valid_smiles = smiles[valid_ind] test_smiles = smiles[test_ind] result['smiles'] = (train_smiles, valid_smiles, test_smiles) else: result['smiles'] = None elif dataset_config['dataset_type'] == 'separate_csv': result = {} train_result = parser.parse(get_molnet_filepath(dataset_name, 'train'), return_smiles=return_smiles, target_index=target_index) valid_result = parser.parse(get_molnet_filepath(dataset_name, 'valid'), return_smiles=return_smiles, target_index=target_index) test_result = parser.parse(get_molnet_filepath(dataset_name, 'test'), return_smiles=return_smiles, target_index=target_index) result['dataset'] = (train_result['dataset'], valid_result['dataset'], test_result['dataset']) result['smiles'] = (train_result['smiles'], valid_result['smiles'], test_result['smiles']) else: raise ValueError('dataset_type={} is not supported' .format(dataset_config['dataset_type'])) return result
[docs]def get_molnet_dataframe(dataset_name, pdbbind_subset=None): """Downloads, caches and get the dataframe of MoleculeNet dataset. Args: dataset_name (str): MoleculeNet dataset name. If you want to know the detail of MoleculeNet, please refer to `official site <>`_ If you would like to know what dataset_name is available for chainer_chemistry, please refer to ``. pdbbind_subset (str): PDBbind dataset subset name. If you want to know the detail of subset, please refer to `official site <>` Returns (pandas.DataFrame or tuple): DataFrame of dataset without any preprocessing. When the files of dataset are seprated, this function returns multiple DataFrame. """ if dataset_name not in molnet_default_config: raise ValueError("We don't support {} dataset. Please choose from {}". format(dataset_name, list(molnet_default_config.keys()))) if dataset_name == 'pdbbind_grid': raise ValueError('pdbbind_grid dataset is not supported. Please ', 'choose pdbbind_smiles dataset.') dataset_config = molnet_default_config[dataset_name] if dataset_config['dataset_type'] == 'one_file_csv': df = pandas.read_csv(get_molnet_filepath( dataset_name, pdbbind_subset=pdbbind_subset)) return df elif dataset_config['dataset_type'] == 'separate_csv': train_df = pandas.read_csv(get_molnet_filepath(dataset_name, 'train')) valid_df = pandas.read_csv(get_molnet_filepath(dataset_name, 'valid')) test_df = pandas.read_csv(get_molnet_filepath(dataset_name, 'test')) return train_df, valid_df, test_df else: raise ValueError('dataset_type={} is not supported' .format(dataset_config['dataset_type']))
def get_molnet_filepath(dataset_name, filetype='onefile', download_if_not_exist=True, pdbbind_subset=None): """Construct a file path which stores MoleculeNet dataset. This method check whether the file exist or not, and downloaded it if necessary. Args: dataset_name (str): MoleculeNet dataset name. file_type (str): either 'onefile', 'train', 'valid', 'test' download_if_not_exist (bool): Download a file if it does not exist. Returns (str): filepath for specific MoleculeNet dataset """ filetype_supported = ['onefile', 'train', 'valid', 'test'] if filetype not in filetype_supported: raise ValueError("filetype {} not supported, please choose filetype " "from {}".format(filetype, filetype_supported)) if filetype == 'onefile': url_key = 'url' else: url_key = filetype + '_url' if dataset_name == 'pdbbind_smiles': file_url = molnet_default_config[dataset_name][url_key][pdbbind_subset] else: file_url = molnet_default_config[dataset_name][url_key] file_name = file_url.split('/')[-1] cache_path = _get_molnet_filepath(file_name) if not os.path.exists(cache_path): if download_if_not_exist: is_successful = download_dataset(file_url, save_filepath=cache_path) if not is_successful: logger = getLogger(__name__) logger.warning('Download failed.') return cache_path def _get_molnet_filepath(file_name): """Construct a filepath which stores MoleculeNet dataset in csv This method does not check if the file is already downloaded or not. Args: file_name (str): file name of MoleculeNet dataset Returns (str): filepath for one of MoleculeNet dataset """ cache_root = download.get_dataset_directory(_root) cache_path = os.path.join(cache_root, file_name) return cache_path def download_dataset(dataset_url, save_filepath): """Download and caches MoleculeNet Dataset Args: dataset_url (str): URL of dataset save_filepath (str): filepath for dataset Returns (bool): If success downloading, returning `True`. """ logger = getLogger(__name__) logger.warning('Downloading {} dataset, it takes time...' .format(dataset_url.split('/')[-1])) download_file_path = download.cached_download(dataset_url) shutil.move(download_file_path, save_filepath) # pandas can load gzipped or tarball csv file return True def get_pdbbind_smiles(pdbbind_subset, preprocessor=None, labels=None, split=None, frac_train=.8, frac_valid=.1, frac_test=.1, return_smiles=False, return_pdb_id=True, target_index=None, task_index=0, time_list=None, **kwargs): """Downloads, caches and preprocess PDBbind dataset. Args: pdbbind_subset (str): PDBbind dataset subset name. If you want to know the detail of subset, please refer to `official site <>` preprocessor (BasePreprocessor): Preprocessor. It should be chosen based on the network to be trained. If it is None, default `AtomicNumberPreprocessor` is used. labels (str or list): List of target labels. split (str or BaseSplitter or None): How to split dataset into train, validation and test. If `None`, this functions use the splitter that is recommended by MoleculeNet. Additionally You can use an instance of BaseSplitter or choose it from 'random', 'stratified' and 'scaffold'. return_smiles (bool): If set to ``True``, smiles array is also returned. return_pdb_id (bool): If set to ``True``, PDB ID array is also returned. This argument is only used when you select 'pdbbind_smiles'. target_index (list or None): target index list to partially extract dataset. If `None` (default), all examples are parsed. task_index (int): Target task index in dataset for stratification. (Stratified Splitter only) Returns (dict): Dictionary that contains dataset that is already split into train, valid and test dataset and 1-d numpy arrays with dtype=object(string) which are vectors of smiles and pdb_id for each example or `None`. """ config = molnet_default_config['pdbbind_smiles'] labels = labels or config['tasks'] if isinstance(labels, str): labels = [labels, ] if preprocessor is None: preprocessor = AtomicNumberPreprocessor() def postprocess_label(label_list): return numpy.asarray(label_list, dtype=numpy.float32) parser = CSVFileParser(preprocessor, labels=labels, smiles_col=config['smiles_columns'], postprocess_label=postprocess_label) split = config['split'] if split is None else split if isinstance(split, str): splitter = split_method_dict[split]() elif isinstance(split, BaseSplitter): splitter = split else: raise TypeError("split must be None, str or instance of" " BaseSplitter, but got {}".format(type(split))) result = parser.parse(get_molnet_filepath('pdbbind_smiles', pdbbind_subset=pdbbind_subset), return_smiles=return_smiles, return_is_successful=True, target_index=target_index) dataset = result['dataset'] smiles = result['smiles'] is_successful = result['is_successful'] if return_pdb_id: df = pandas.read_csv( get_molnet_filepath('pdbbind_smiles', pdbbind_subset=pdbbind_subset)) pdb_id = df['id'][is_successful] else: pdb_id = None train_ind, valid_ind, test_ind = \ splitter.train_valid_test_split(dataset, time_list=time_list, smiles_list=smiles, task_index=task_index, frac_train=frac_train, frac_valid=frac_valid, frac_test=frac_test, **kwargs) train = NumpyTupleDataset(*dataset.features[train_ind]) valid = NumpyTupleDataset(*dataset.features[valid_ind]) test = NumpyTupleDataset(*dataset.features[test_ind]) result['dataset'] = (train, valid, test) if return_smiles: train_smiles = smiles[train_ind] valid_smiles = smiles[valid_ind] test_smiles = smiles[test_ind] result['smiles'] = (train_smiles, valid_smiles, test_smiles) else: result['smiles'] = None if return_pdb_id: train_pdb_id = pdb_id[train_ind] valid_pdb_id = pdb_id[valid_ind] test_pdb_id = pdb_id[test_ind] result['pdb_id'] = (train_pdb_id, valid_pdb_id, test_pdb_id) else: result['pdb_id'] = None return result def get_pdbbind_grid(pdbbind_subset, split=None, frac_train=.8, frac_valid=.1, frac_test=.1, task_index=0, **kwargs): """Downloads, caches and grid-featurize PDBbind dataset. Args: pdbbind_subset (str): PDBbind dataset subset name. If you want to know the detail of subset, please refer to `official site <>` split (str or BaseSplitter or None): How to split dataset into train, validation and test. If `None`, this functions use the splitter that is recommended by MoleculeNet. Additionally You can use an instance of BaseSplitter or choose it from 'random', 'stratified' and 'scaffold'. task_index (int): Target task index in dataset for stratification. (Stratified Splitter only) Returns (dict): Dictionary that contains dataset that is already split into train, valid and test dataset and 1-d numpy arrays with dtype=object(string) which are vectors of smiles and pdb_id for each example or `None`. """ result = {} dataset = get_grid_featurized_pdbbind_dataset(pdbbind_subset) if split is None: split = molnet_default_config['pdbbind_grid']['split'] if isinstance(split, str): splitter = split_method_dict[split]() elif isinstance(split, BaseSplitter): splitter = split else: raise TypeError("split must be None, str, or instance of" " BaseSplitter, but got {}".format(type(split))) time_list = get_pdbbind_time() train_ind, valid_ind, test_ind = \ splitter.train_valid_test_split(dataset, time_list=time_list, smiles_list=None, task_index=task_index, frac_train=frac_train, frac_valid=frac_valid, frac_test=frac_test, **kwargs) train = NumpyTupleDataset(*dataset.features[train_ind]) valid = NumpyTupleDataset(*dataset.features[valid_ind]) test = NumpyTupleDataset(*dataset.features[test_ind]) result['dataset'] = (train, valid, test) result['smiles'] = None return result def get_grid_featurized_pdbbind_dataset(subset): """Downloads and caches grid featurized PDBBind dataset. Args: subset (str): subset name of PDBBind dataset. Returns (NumpyTupleDataset): grid featurized PDBBind dataset. """ x_path, y_path = get_grid_featurized_pdbbind_filepath(subset) x = joblib.load(x_path).astype('i') y = joblib.load(y_path).astype('f') dataset = NumpyTupleDataset(x, y) return dataset def get_grid_featurized_pdbbind_dirpath(subset, download_if_not_exist=True): """Construct a directory path which stores grid featurized PDBBind dataset. This method check whether the file exist or not, and downloaded it if necessary. Args: subset (str): subset name of PDBBind dataset. download_if_not_exist (bool): Download a file if it does not exist. Returns (str): directory path for specific subset of PDBBind dataset. """ subset_supported = ['core', 'full', 'refined'] if subset not in subset_supported: raise ValueError("subset {} not supported, please choose filetype " "from {}".format(subset, subset_supported)) file_url = \ molnet_default_config['pdbbind_grid']['url'][subset] file_name = file_url.split('/')[-1] cache_path = _get_molnet_filepath(file_name) if not os.path.exists(cache_path): if download_if_not_exist: is_successful = download_dataset(file_url, save_filepath=cache_path) if not is_successful: logger = getLogger(__name__) logger.warning('Download failed.') return cache_path def get_grid_featurized_pdbbind_filepath(subset): """Construct a filepath which stores featurized PDBBind dataset in joblib This method does not check if the file is already downloaded or not. Args: subset (str): subset name of PDBBind dataset Returns: x_path (str): filepath for feature vectors y_path (str): filepath for -logKd/Ki """ dirpath = get_grid_featurized_pdbbind_dirpath(subset=subset) savedir = '/'.join(dirpath.split('/')[:-1]) + '/' with, 'r:gz') as tar: tar.extractall(savedir) x_path = savedir + subset + '_grid/shard-0-X.joblib' y_path = savedir + subset + '_grid/shard-0-y.joblib' return x_path, y_path