Source code for chainer_chemistry.datasets.tox21

from logging import getLogger
import os
import shutil
import zipfile

from chainer.dataset import download
import numpy

from chainer_chemistry.dataset.parsers.sdf_file_parser import SDFFileParser
from chainer_chemistry.dataset.preprocessors.atomic_number_preprocessor import AtomicNumberPreprocessor  # NOQA

_config = {
    'train': {
        'url': ''
        'filename': 'tox21_10k_data_all.sdf'
    'val': {
        'url': ''
        'filename': 'tox21_10k_challenge_test.sdf'
    'test': {
        'url': ''
        'filename': 'tox21_10k_challenge_score.sdf'

_root = 'pfnet/chainer/tox21'

_label_names = ['NR-AR', 'NR-AR-LBD', 'NR-AhR', 'NR-Aromatase', 'NR-ER',
                'NR-ER-LBD', 'NR-PPAR-gamma', 'SR-ARE', 'SR-ATAD5',
                'SR-HSE', 'SR-MMP', 'SR-p53']

def get_tox21_label_names():
    """Returns label names of Tox21 datasets."""
    return _label_names

[docs]def get_tox21(preprocessor=None, labels=None, return_smiles=False, train_target_index=None, val_target_index=None, test_target_index=None): """Downloads, caches and preprocesses Tox21 dataset. Args: preprocesssor (BasePreprocessor): Preprocessor. This should be chosen based on the network to be trained. If it is None, default `AtomicNumberPreprocessor` is used. labels (str or list): List of target labels. return_smiles (bool): If set to True, smiles array is also returned. train_target_index (list or None): target index list to partially extract train dataset. If None (default), all examples are parsed. val_target_index (list or None): target index list to partially extract val dataset. If None (default), all examples are parsed. test_target_index (list or None): target index list to partially extract test dataset. If None (default), all examples are parsed. Returns: The 3-tuple consisting of train, validation and test datasets, respectively. Each dataset is composed of `features`, which depends on `preprocess_method`. """ labels = labels or get_tox21_label_names() if isinstance(labels, str): labels = [labels, ] def postprocess_label(label_list): # Set -1 to the place where the label is not found, # this corresponds to not calculate loss with `sigmoid_cross_entropy` t = numpy.array([-1 if label is None else label for label in label_list], dtype=numpy.int32) return t if preprocessor is None: preprocessor = AtomicNumberPreprocessor() parser = SDFFileParser(preprocessor, postprocess_label=postprocess_label, labels=labels) train_result = parser.parse( get_tox21_filepath('train'), return_smiles=return_smiles, target_index=train_target_index ) val_result = parser.parse( get_tox21_filepath('val'), return_smiles=return_smiles, target_index=val_target_index ) test_result = parser.parse( get_tox21_filepath('test'), return_smiles=return_smiles, target_index=test_target_index ) if return_smiles: train, train_smiles = train_result['dataset'], train_result['smiles'] val, val_smiles = val_result['dataset'], val_result['smiles'] test, test_smiles = test_result['dataset'], test_result['smiles'] return train, val, test, train_smiles, val_smiles, test_smiles else: train = train_result['dataset'] val = val_result['dataset'] test = test_result['dataset'] return train, val, test
def _get_tox21_filepath(dataset_type): """Returns a file path in which the tox21 dataset is cached. This function returns a file path in which `dataset_type` of the tox21 dataset is cached. Note that this function does not check if the dataset has actually been downloaded or not. Args: dataset_type(str): Name of the target dataset type. Either 'train', 'val', or 'test'. Returns (str): file path for the tox21 dataset """ if dataset_type not in _config.keys(): raise ValueError("Invalid dataset type '{}'. Accepted values are " "'train', 'val' or 'test'.".format(dataset_type)) c = _config[dataset_type] sdffile = c['filename'] cache_root = download.get_dataset_directory(_root) cache_path = os.path.join(cache_root, sdffile) return cache_path def get_tox21_filepath(dataset_type, download_if_not_exist=True): """Returns a file path in which the tox21 dataset is cached. This function returns a file path in which `dataset_type` of the tox21 dataset is or will be cached. If the dataset is not cached and if ``download_if_not_exist`` is ``True``, this function also downloads the dataset. Args: dataset_type: Name of the target dataset type. Either 'train', 'val', or 'test' download_if_not_exist (bool): If `True` download dataset if it is not downloaded yet. Returns (str): file path for tox21 dataset """ cache_filepath = _get_tox21_filepath(dataset_type) if not os.path.exists(cache_filepath): if download_if_not_exist: is_successful = _download_and_extract_tox21(dataset_type, cache_filepath) if not is_successful: logger = getLogger(__name__) logger.warning('Download failed.') return cache_filepath def _download_and_extract_tox21(config_name, save_filepath): is_successful = False c = _config[config_name] url = c['url'] sdffile = c['filename'] # Download tox21 dataset download_file_path = download.cached_download(url) # Extract zipfile to get sdffile with zipfile.ZipFile(download_file_path, 'r') as z: z.extract(sdffile) shutil.move(sdffile, save_filepath) is_successful = True return is_successful def download_and_extract_tox21(): """Downloads and extracts Tox21 dataset. Returns: None """ for config in ['train', 'val', 'test']: _download_and_extract_tox21(config, _get_tox21_filepath(config))