class, target, converter=<function concat_examples>, device=None, eval_hook=None, eval_func=None, name=None, pos_labels=1, ignore_labels=None, raise_value_error=True, logger=None)[source]

Evaluator which calculates PRC AUC score

Note that this Evaluator is only applicable to binary classification task.

  • iterator – Dataset iterator for the dataset to calculate PRC AUC score. It can also be a dictionary of iterators. If this is just an iterator, the iterator is registered by the name 'main'.
  • target – Link object or a dictionary of links to evaluate. If this is just a link object, the link is registered by the name 'main'.
  • converter – Converter function to build input arrays and true label. concat_examples() is used by default. It is expected to return input arrays of the form [x_0, …, x_n, t], where x_0, …, x_n are the inputs to the evaluation function and t is the true label.
  • device – Device to which the training data is sent. Negative value indicates the host memory (CPU).
  • eval_hook – Function to prepare for each evaluation process. It is called at the beginning of the evaluation. The evaluator extension object is passed at each call.
  • eval_func – Evaluation function called at each iteration. The target link to evaluate as a callable is used by default.
  • name (str) – name of this extension. When name is None, default_name=’validation’ which is defined in super class Evaluator is used as extension name. This name affects to the reported key name.
  • pos_labels (int or list) – labels of the positive class, other classes are considered as negative.
  • ignore_labels (int or list or None) – labels to be ignored. None is used to not ignore all labels.
  • raise_value_error (bool) – If False, ValueError caused by roc_auc_score calculation is suppressed and ignored with a warning message.
  • logger

Converter function.


Device to which the training data is sent.


Function to prepare for each evaluation process.


Evaluation function called at each iteration.


labels of the positive class


labels to be ignored.

__init__(iterator, target, converter=<function concat_examples>, device=None, eval_hook=None, eval_func=None, name=None, pos_labels=1, ignore_labels=None, raise_value_error=True, logger=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__(iterator, target[, converter, …]) Initialize self.
evaluate() Evaluates the model and returns a result dictionary.
finalize() Finalizes the evaluator object.
get_all_iterators() Returns a dictionary of all iterators.
get_all_targets() Returns a dictionary of all target links.
get_iterator(name) Returns the iterator of the given name.
get_target(name) Returns the target link of the given name.
initialize(trainer) Initializes up the trainer state.
prc_auc_score(y_total, t_total)
serialize(serializer) Serializes the extension state.

