Source code for chainer_chemistry.models.prediction.base

import pickle

import chainer
from chainer import cuda
from chainer.dataset.convert import concat_examples
from chainer.iterators import SerialIterator
from chainer import link
import numpy

def _to_tuple(x):
    if not isinstance(x, tuple):
        x = (x,)
    return x

def _extract_numpy(x):
    if isinstance(x, chainer.Variable):
        x =
    return cuda.to_cpu(x)

[docs]class BaseForwardModel(link.Chain): """A base model which supports forward functionality. It also supports `device` id management and pickle save/load functionality. Args: device (int): GPU device id of this model to be used. -1 indicates to use in CPU. Attributes: _dev_id (int): Model's current device id """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(BaseForwardModel, self).__init__() self.inputs = None self._dev_id = None
def get_device(self): return self._dev_id def initialize(self, device=-1): """Initialization of the model. It must be executed **after** the link registration (often done by `with self.init_scope()` finished. Args: device (int): GPU device id of this model to be used. -1 indicates to use in CPU. """ self.update_device(device=device) def update_device(self, device=-1): if self._dev_id is None or self._dev_id != device: # reset current state self.to_cpu() # update the model to specified device id self._dev_id = device if device >= 0: chainer.cuda.get_device_from_id(device).use() self.to_gpu() # Copy the model to the GPU def _forward(self, data, fn, batchsize=16, converter=concat_examples, retain_inputs=False, preprocess_fn=None, postprocess_fn=None): """Forward data by iterating with batch Args: data: "train_x array" or "chainer dataset" fn (Callable): Main function to forward. Its input argument is either Variable, cupy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray, and returns Variable. batchsize (int): batch size converter (Callable): convert from `data` to `inputs` retain_inputs (bool): If True, this instance keeps inputs in `self.inputs` or not. preprocess_fn (Callable): Its input is numpy.ndarray or cupy.ndarray, it can return either Variable, cupy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray postprocess_fn (Callable): Its input argument is Variable, but this method may return either Variable, cupy.ndarray or numpy.ndarray. Returns (tuple or numpy.ndarray): forward result """ input_list = None output_list = None it = SerialIterator(data, batch_size=batchsize, repeat=False, shuffle=False) for batch in it: inputs = converter(batch, self._dev_id) inputs = _to_tuple(inputs) if preprocess_fn: inputs = preprocess_fn(*inputs) inputs = _to_tuple(inputs) outputs = fn(*inputs) outputs = _to_tuple(outputs) # Init if retain_inputs: if input_list is None: input_list = [[] for _ in range(len(inputs))] for j, input in enumerate(inputs): input_list[j].append(cuda.to_cpu(input)) if output_list is None: output_list = [[] for _ in range(len(outputs))] if postprocess_fn: outputs = postprocess_fn(*outputs) outputs = _to_tuple(outputs) for j, output in enumerate(outputs): output_list[j].append(_extract_numpy(output)) if retain_inputs: self.inputs = [numpy.concatenate( in_array) for in_array in input_list] result = [numpy.concatenate(output) for output in output_list] if len(result) == 1: return result[0] else: return result def save_pickle(self, filepath, protocol=None): """Save the model to `filepath` as a pickle file This function send the parameters to CPU before saving the model so that the pickled file can be loaded with in CPU-only environment. After the model is saved, it is sent back to the original device. Saved pickle file can be loaded with `load_pickle` static method. Note that the transportability of the saved file follows the specification of `pickle` module, namely serialized data depends on the specific class or attribute structure when saved. The file may not be loaded in different environment (version of python or dependent libraries), or after large refactoring of the pickled object class. If you want to avoid it, use `chainer.serializers.save_npz` method instead to save only model parameters. .. admonition:: Example >>> from chainer_chemistry.models import BaseForwardModel >>> class DummyForwardModel(BaseForwardModel): >>> >>> def __init__(self, device=-1): >>> super(DummyForwardModel, self).__init__() >>> with self.init_scope(): >>> self.l = chainer.links.Linear(3, 10) >>> self.initialize(device) >>> >>> def __call__(self, x): >>> return self.l(x) >>> >>> model = DummyForwardModel() >>> filepath = 'model.pkl' >>> model.save_pickle(filepath) Args: filepath (str): file path of pickle file. protocol (int or None): protocol version used in `pickle`. Use 2 if you need python2/python3 compatibility. 3 or higher is used for python3. Please refer the official document [1] for more details. [1]: """ # NOQA current_device = self.get_device() # --- Move the model to CPU for saving --- self.update_device(-1) with open(filepath, mode='wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f, protocol=protocol) # --- Revert the model to original device --- self.update_device(current_device) @staticmethod def load_pickle(filepath, device=-1): """Load the model from `filepath` of pickle file, and send to `device` The file saved by `save_pickle` method can be loaded, but it may fail to load when loading from different develop environment or after updating library version. See `save_pickle` method for the transportability of the saved file. .. admonition:: Example >>> from chainer_chemistry.models import BaseForwardModel >>> filepath = 'model.pkl' >>> # `load_pickle` is static method, call from Class to get an instance >>> model = BaseForwardModel.load_pickle(filepath) Args: filepath (str): file path of pickle file. device (int): GPU device id of this model to be used. -1 indicates to use in CPU. """ with open(filepath, mode='rb') as f: model = pickle.load(f) if not isinstance(model, BaseForwardModel): raise TypeError('Unexpected type {}'.format(type(model))) # --- Revert the model to specified device --- model.initialize(device) return model